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Letztes Update 22.4.24


0.0.X Acanthoscurria geniculata N3 12€/stk
0.0.X Avicularia sp. peru purple N2 20€/stk

0.0.2 Avicularia sp. metallica N2 15€/stk
0.0.X Augacephalus ezendami N4 22€/stk

0.0.X Aphonopelma chalcodes N3 30€/stk
0.0.X Brachypelma hamorii N2 12€/stk

0.0.X Brachypelma auratum N2 30€/stk
0.0.X Brachypelma boehmei N2 12€/stk

0.0.4 Ceratogyrus darlingi (2cm Kl) 18€/stk
0.0.X Ceratogyrus marshalli N2 13€/stk
0.0.X Caribena versicolor N3 12€/stk

0.0.X Cyriocosmus elegans N2 10€/stk
0.0.X Cyriocosmus leetzi (Venez.) N2 14€/stk
0.0.X Chilobrachys sp. blue (vietnam) N4 13€/stk
0.0.X Chilobrachys fimbriatus N3 13€/stk

0.0.X Chilobrachys sp. kaeng krachan N4 13€/stk
0.0.X Chromato. cyaneopubescens N5 25€/stk
0.0.4 Cyriopagopus lividus* N3 22€/stk

0.0.3 Cyriopagopus sp. hatihati* N3 12€/stk
0.0.1 Dolichothele diamantinensis N3 22€/stk
0.0.X Davus pentaloris N3 13€/stk

0.0.X Grammostola pulchripes N3 13€/stk
0.0.X Heterothele villosella N2 12€/stk
0.0.X Heteroscodra maculata N3 10€/stk
0.0.X Hapalopus formosus N3 15€/stk
0.0.X Lasiocyano sazimai N2 10€/stk

0.0.X Nhandu (Vitalius) chromatus N4 10€/stk
0.0.X Nhandu coloratovillosus N2 10€/stk
0.0.X Nhandu tripepii N
0.0.X Nhandu carapoensis N3 15€/stk
0.0.X Neoholothele incei N5 15€/stk
0.0.2 Orphnaecus sp. blue quezon N4 14€/stk
0.0.X Ornithoctonus aureotibialis (2cm Kl) 18€/stk

0.0.X Pseudhapalopus sp. kolumbien N2 25€/stk
0.0.2 Psalmopoeus pulcher N5 15€/stk

0.0.X Psalmopoeus irminia N3 12€/stk
0.0.6 Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus N2 13€/stk

0.0.X Pterinochilus murinus* dcf mikumi N2 16
0.0.3 Pterinochilus lugardi* N4 15€/stk
0.0.X Poecilotheria sp. lowland* N3 15€/stk
0.0.X Poecilotheria metallica* N1 35€/stk
0.0.X Phormingochilus sp. rufus N2 10€/stk

0.0.X Pamphobeteus sp. platyomma N4 18€/stk
0.0.X Pamphobeteus sp. machala N3 15€/stk
0.0.X Sericopelma sp.
santa catalina N2 16€/stk
0.0.X Sericopelma sp. santa catalina N2 3stk 45
0.0.X Sericopelma sp. santa catalina N4 22€/stk
0.0.X Sericopelma sp.
santa catalina N4 3stk 60
0.0.X Tapinauchenius rasti
N4 14€/stk
Thrixopelma pruriens N5 13€/stk
0.0.X Thrixopelma cyaneolum N3 22€/stk
0.0.5 Theraphosa apophysis N3 55€/stk

0.0.X Tliltocatl vagans N3 9€/stk
0.0.X Tliltocatl albopilosus (Nicara.) N3 10€/stk
0.0.X Xenesthis immanis N3 29€/stk

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 Grün = NEU 

Mädchen ♀️

Acanthoscurria geniculata (adult) 75
(Vitalius) chromatus (3cm Kl) 35
 (Vitalius) chromatus (4,5cm Kl) 50
Nhandu tripepii (2cm Kl) 40
Pterinochilus lugardi* (1,5cm Kl) 30

Pamphobeteus sp. mascara (3cm Kl) 50
Pamphobeteus sp. machala (subadult) 70
Pamphobeteus sp. platyomma (2cm Kl) 40
Pamphobeteus sp. platyomma (4cm Kl) 60
Chromato. cyaneopubescens (2cm Kl) 65

Theraphosa apophysis (2cm Kl) 75
Thrixopelma pruriens (2cm Kl) 35
Psalmopoeus reduncus (3cm Kl) 40

Sericopelma sp. santa catalina (2cm Kl) 50
Tapinauchenius rasti (2cm Kl) 35
Xenesthis intermedia (4-5cm Kl) 160

Xenesthis immanis (2cm Kl) 60
Ceratogyrus darlingi (2cm Kl) 
Caribena versicolor (adult) 120

Tliltocatl epicureanus (adult) 80
Tliltocatl vagans (subadult) 65

Poecilotheria regalis (subadult?) 80
ornata (3cm Kl) 60

Jungs ♂️

Mit Reifehaut:
Stromatopelma calceatum (RH 3/24) 35
Avicularia sp. peru purple (RH 3/24) 60

Brachypelma albiceps (subadult) 50
Brachypelma albicep
s (3cm Kl) 40
Brachypelma boehmei (subadult) 50

Lasiodora parahybana (4cm Kl) 20
Theraphosa apophysis (2cm Kl) 40
Grammostola pulchripes (3cm Kl) 30
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis (2cm Kl) 15
natanicharum (3cm Kl) 50
Pamphobeteus sp. mascara (3cm Kl) 30
intermedia (4-5cm Kl) 90
immanis (2cm Kl) 40

*Abgabe je nach Gesetzeslage einzelner Bundesländer

Andere Tiere

Lissachatina reticulata albino (12-14cm Haus)
-Mind. 3er Gruppenhaltung -> 15€ pro Tier
-Mind. 100x40x40cm Becken für 3 Tiere nötig

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M - 100
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